
Apel către frații moldoveni cu cetățenie română

  Frații mei români, de dincolo de Prut, Fac un apel către voi, deși sper să nu fie prea târziu! După cum probabil știți, în zilele de 24-25 mai 2014, România va trimite în Parlamentul Europei 32 de aleși să ne reprezinte,...

Magento error fix: „Cannot retrieve payment method instance”

Thinking about upgrading and optimizing Magento? Think again if you have plenty of extensions installed and later on, you want to get rid of some of them, especially when they are payment methods. I don't know if it's Magento's fault or some extensions are poorly written, but believe me, some errors can drive you nuts when you don't know where to start debugging.

Cat consuma aparatele electronice si electrocasnice?

V-ati intrebat vreodata cat consuma REAL aparatele electronice si electrocasnice pe care le aveti in casa? De exemplu cat consuma un frigider? Sau cat consuma un televizor? Acest articol va incerca sa lamureasca unele intrebari.

Why eNom sucks?

I won't say much about this. eNom just sucks. Why? Because when I tried to register a free account with them I got this error: We are unable to process this transaction because we are currently not accepting orders...

How to use OptiPNG recursively

Few hours ago I wrote about image optimization with Jpegoptim. Now I'll write few words about Optipng, a PNG and GIF optimizer. OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that re-compresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This...

How to use Jpegoptim recursively

Jpegoptim is a Linux software that does what the name suggests: is does optimize jpg images. It is one of the two recommended software for Google Pagespeed optimization.As this software doesn't have a recursion parameter, we use a trick...

Chmod files and directories recursively

Chmod directories recursively: find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; Chmod files recursively: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;

Fix for error: malformed header from script. Bad header= – PHP 5.4

If your webserver throws a HTML 500 error and Apache error_log file shows "malformed header from script. Bad header=<br />", then you probably have a misconfigured php.ini file in your website root directory. Mine had a magic_quotes_cpg=On. I commented... – fugiti tare cand auziti numele asta

Daca vreodata v-ati gandit sa va gazduiti site-ul la Hostmama, mai ganditi-va o data. Pretul mic al serviciilor oferite vine cu un cost mare; mult prea mare!Eu am luat de la ei un pachet Cloud Hosting (CLOUD4) la pretul...

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