Just for my own reference, to install WHOIS client on your Centos 7 server, you need to do some extra step. A simple yum install whois or yum install jwhois could not work, as you could get the following...
I was looking to buy a cheap .ru domain but all cheap options were from russian websites. Unfortunately, they do not allow payment with Paypal and the others, like Godaddy, had very expensive domains. So, I luckily found DoHost,...
I had a strange error today. Lukily, a friend of mine warned me about it. I could hardly be aware of it without his help. (Thanks, Iosif!) So...Why does Drupal 7 throws 404 error (Page not found)?There could be...
Umbla vorba printre americani ca se incearca tepuirea utilizatorilor de Facebook printr-o reclama care socheaza la prima vedere. Textul tradus suna cam asa: Nu vei mai folosi samponul Head & Shoulders dupa ce vei vedea acest video. De fapt nu...
Although I'm a Romanian native, I can say I enjoy listening a few Jewish songs.Not so long ago, I found out that the Israeli national anthem has it's origins in Greater Romania (Iasi, RO and Ungheni, MD). The original...
It's 2 A.M. and your mobile phone rings. You barely wake up and answer. A voice with heavy accent at the other end of the line is telling you:- Hello, Mr. John! My name is Patel Kapur from Microsoft...
Today I came across a nice topic on Quora, where Leonard Kim, Corporate Strategist. Marketer gives the following answer, which I think it's the best one.1. Go to Google. Type in Godaddy. Click on the 99 cent ad. Buy...
OK, ma asteptam sa faca asta mai devreme sau mai tarziu, adica sa ma dea afara dupa o zi de stat cu 2 laptopuri aici. Dar totusi, prin acest gest, consider eu necugetat, si-au fugarit nu un singur client,...
According to The Heartbleed Bug website, The Heartbleed Bug is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. This weakness allows stealing the information protected, under normal conditions, by the SSL/TLS encryption used to secure the Internet. SSL/TLS...