

Biserica din Satul Cumparatura, Comuna Bosanci, Jud. Suceava

Foto panorama cu biserica din Satul Cumparatura, Comuna Bosanci, Judetul Suceava. 

Europe best classifieds websites by country (no spam, only big websites)

Recenly I started looking for a print shop equipment on Romanian biggest classified ads websites, without much satisfaction. So I said... OK, we're in the European Union, why not start looking across the borders for the best price and maybe better performance? Then I realised I don't know where to start, especially if you don't know that foreign language at all. 

With Google Translate by my side I started translating from English to the country language I wanted to look for my purchase. That let me discover much more possibilities than looking only for English results.

So I made a list of websites, most of them non-discoverable for English terms like - for instance - "classified ads in Germany". Google will recommend only spammy / small websites.

I am aware that this list is only at the beginning, and I will ask for help, especially if I missed important websites.

Feel free to comment if this list helped you and contribute with others. There is only one criteria for selection: the website must be big (at least 100 000 ads for general websites) or if it's a niche website, there should be at least 100 ads.

Enjoy my list!

Biserica Domnițelor din Suceava [galerie foto]

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